Friday, May 17, 2013

Hot Chicken Salad Cupcakes

Stop what you're doing. Print out this recipe. Make it ASAP.

Oh. My. Goodness.

This was inspired from a pin from Paula Deen for Hot Chicken Salad. My mom had given me a container of chicken salad from Costco that she had left over from her bridge group...and I had egg roll wrappers left over from making this the idea was born.

I cut the wrappers into quarters to make them wonton size. I only had sour cream and onion chips in my pantry, and they added a good kick of extra flavor (plus crunch!). The wontons act like crispy crackers.

Overheard at work:
Co-worker 1: What did Jill bring in today?
Co-worker 2: Too late, man. They're all gone...I've been popping them like Tic Tacs.

There is nothing not to love about this one. Keeper!

12 wonton wrappers
Chicken salad
Shredded Cheddar cheese
Crushed potato chips

Spray a muffin tin and line with wrappers. Put a spoonful of chicken salad in each and top with cheese and chips. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes or until edges of wontons are brown/crispy.

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